[Banei Horse race] Obihiro Hokkaido Japan 2017 ばんえい競馬 帯広競馬場 2017

I went to Banai racecourse in Obihiro.
Unlike ordinary horse racing, it is a horse racing that pulls a very heavy sled that has a ton of big horse with power and competes for time.
Banba horse race does not have a chance to go abroad unless you go to Obihiro, so please go there when you go sightseeing for Obihiro.

It seems that the opening day is on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
For you that you can not rest on Saturdays and Sundays, you can enjoy horse races on Monday, so I think you can enjoy horse racing slowly when it is not crowded.

There are lots of delicious meals and sweets stores in Obihiro, so after enjoying the horse race enjoying meals, there are plenty of hot springs, so I think that you should relax at the end of the hot spring at last.

Addores: 〒080-0023 北海道帯広市西13条南9丁目
TEL: 0155-34-0825





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