Cryptocurrency girls – The moon and cryptocurrency and me「仮想通貨少女」


【The moon and cryptocurrency and me】

Now get coins you’ll never regret
Ahhhh, Let’s get going!
Nem, Neo, Mona, Ada, Ripple, BitCoin, Ether

I have just made a new account to put my money
It is much easier to send the money than I thought
Let’s start mining, dig it right there
But the energy costs much higher
Don’t ever buy at a price like hell, It’s like a moth flying into the flame

How about that new ICO (They never contact me again)
Watch out for all the scams around (I saw a lot of ads)
It always makes me get just so excited when I look at the blazing chart screen

Calm down baby, Tranqulo! Accidents are inevitable.
Set your password nice and safe. Same ones are not usable
Calm down baby, Tranqulo! Security is so crucial
Just create a hard wallet and set up a 2FA for yourself

(Hot day forget myself Blockchain)
(Hot day forget myself go to the moon I like that)

Trust and hold it until your coin gets straight to the moon
I had not enough patience and gave up so quickly
Don’t miss any exclusive info.
Burn it (Fire) Burn it (Fire) Gossips are welcome
Look up the sky and you see shining stars (tink)
Have you (Hey) found out (hey) your coin of destiny?

I put my money at bedtime (It’s so thrilling and exciting.)
I wowed when I woke up next day. ( Oh yeah, I’m lucky! It finally came!)
Don’t be too excited. You have to think twice. Let’s do it more is not a right movement
You never know when it’s gonna crash

Calm down baby! Tranquilo! The market is not so simple.
Fiat money is your shelter. It can be more valuable
Calm down baby! Tranquilo! It’s not just a money game.
Stay cool when it’s really hot, Trust in the tech of your currency.

Give me that give me that give me that info, give me that info, more good info.
Hold on it, Hold on it, Hold on it so tight, Hold on it so tight even in your dream

Ahhhh, Let’s get going!

Nem, Neo, Mona, Ada, Ripple, BitCoin, Ether
Nem, Neo, Mona, Ada, Ripple, BitCoin, Ether
Nem, Neo, Mona, Ada, Ripple, BitCoin, Ether

It always makes me get just so excited when I look at the blazing chart screen

Improve your literacy Some coins are just “the end”.
We all have to thank Satoshi, Time to be decentralized

Whaaat? You don’t know Bitcoin yet?

Hurry up baby, Cabron! The market is so acceptable
Paper era is over. Digitizing is possible
Hurry up baby, Cabron! Don’t forget to pay your tax
“・・・hu?” Just save some tax money for your sake
The tax office is always ready to take

(Hot day forget myself Blcokchain)
Hot day forget myself go to the moon Blockchane I like that)



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