암호화폐 비트서당/Cryptocurrency Bit Seodang / 仮想通貨 書堂 / 虚拟货币 書堂

비트코인 시황 및 기술적 분석, 암호화폐 투자관련 이슈에 대해 이야기를 나눠 보도록 하겠습니다.
텔레그램을 통한 시청자 참여 Q&A 시간도 갖을 예정이니 많은 참여 바랍니다.

Anyone who is investing or trading cryptocurrencies can join this broadcasting.
We are going to discussing the market situation and status in Korean though, everyone from oversea will be welcome for participation, Question in English and in Japanese will be acceptable.

#BitcoinAnalysis #Ethereum #Cryptocurrency #exchanges #ICO #Coin #仮想通貨 #虚拟货币


  1. 所得税申告漏れ計9千億円 国税庁、仮想通貨取引事案を初公表

  2. アイドル大好きIDOL COIN 仮想通貨

  3. 仮想通貨 リップルのXRP Siriへの音声で送金可能に!リップル愛好…

  4. 海外の反応 仮想通貨は依存度高し? スコットランドの病院が仮想通貨の中…

  5. zaif に入金【実践仮想通貨マイニング】

  6. 【仮想通貨】しんえもん事件勃発?

  7. 仮想通貨 2018年の振り返りと教訓、来年以降の好材料まとめ

  8. 仮想通貨の取引所 撤退続出!


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