

This application is a simple and handy calculator that focuses on your target selling prices and profit rates in the stock trade.

This application has two functions of calculating.

The first one is to calculate the profit rates and shows its percentage values.
The second one is to calculate the target selling prices and shows them.

This app will enable people to make the right decision in order to invest your money in stocks and generate higher returns. for people who have an interest of the stocks trade.

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  1. 初心者でも分かる簡単ローソク足の見方

  2. 不動産初心者に向けて 不動産投資とは

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  4. 【ブックメーカー投資】-実践動画- 初心者でも即日稼げる投資手法公開

  5. ブックメーカー投資の湯浅塾は終了したのか?

  6. 【投資/解説】 なぜ自己投資が必要!? 自己投資について徹底解説!

  7. 不動産投資 実際に不動産投資を始める前と始めた後の違い

  8. 投資経験0の初心者が失敗しないようにするには


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