イムホテップとリポーリポー by 仮想通貨ラッパー『億ラビットくん』

日本初!天才仮想通貨ラッパー 『億ラビットくん』 YouTubeデビュー

仮想通貨ラッパー (Crypto Rapper) 『億ラビットくん』
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ocrybit

Katachi Beats – 形ビーツ(Y-Bit Music)



Yo ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself
I’m just a rabbit in the wild but people call me okurabbit
yes i’m from Japan but I ain’t been back there for a while
I’m a small creature so i’m afraid of big whales.
But let me tell you guys little secret of mine
I’m the world’s first crypto millionaire rabbit
but I never mine, i only take what’s mine, that’s my habit

Damn it, stop wasting electricity, for mining
proof of work is not a good idea as y’all know it
Satoshi Nakamoto didn’t seem to have a motto
Stop idolizing a guy nowhere to be seen
I know he’s off the chain, cus he started blockchain
but that’s in the past now we gotta move on to regain

What to regain is the momentum for innovation
lots of hesitation in the lasting bear market
People keep gambling on the promising future
and lose the faith with the money snatched by the big players

What you need to hold onto the faith is a preacher
Don’t hodl too long or you lose to bleachers

I know exactly how you feel, i’ve been there before
If you hodl, you are most likely to topple
Take a good look at what happened to Ripple
What went up so high mustave come down
Ripple made a lot of people cripples

There’s no escaping now you are only to drawn
You don’t even realize you are in the Matrix
Neo, Follow the white rabbit to the red pill
That’s the only way to wake up in the reality
I’m a green rabbit i’m a Nameckian like Piccolo
Green means white on Planet Namek
Eco-friendly that’s what it represents on Earth

Do you know who else used to be called rabbit
Martial mothers aka Eminem
Yes he’s a rap god just like I’m a rabbit got
But there’s a huge difference between me and him
First of all i’m not a human but speaking a human language
Secondly English is not even my language
Let me prove it to you that I can speak Japanese


I’ma lead you guys to the chocolate factory
Oh no that’s not what i’m supposed to do
I’m a white rabbit i’ma take you to the wonderland
I was looking for Alice but came across Alisman
It’s like avengers rather than adventures
We are running late for the party with my buddies
No time to say goodbye hello, i’m late I’m late
My FOMO is growing bigger
Fear uncertainty doubt what a kicker
I’ma have to sell my ripple ripple


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  8. 【仮想通貨】GW ノアコインとリップルがヤバイ・・・


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