【とにかくシンプル!株の初心者用アプリ!】株式投資で、利益率や売値を計算するスマホアプリ(Stock investing)



(In English)
This application is a simple and handy calculator that focuses on your target selling prices and profit rates in the stock trade.

This application has two functions of calculating.

The first one is to calculate the profit rates and shows its percentage values.
The second one is to calculate the target selling prices and shows them.

This app will enable people to make the right decision in order to invest your money in stocks and generate higher returns. for people who have an interest of the stocks trade.

ダウンロード先(Download from Google Play Store):


  1. 初心者から始める株投資!

  2. 株式の選び方:初心者こそイメージを大切にしよう

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  7. 【株の学校123・株式投資初心者入門編】ルールを守る!損切りが出来ない…

  8. 株式投資を行う上で掛かるお金について解説 初心者入門編


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